Archived Entries

Archived Entries

Coming to Google+


Nazarene Bible College is always looking for new ways to contact and stay involved with our students. On our website,, we keep you up to date with the events happening around the campus. For the last few years we have been using Facebook to better engage our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends. In just a few years our Facebook community has grown to over 1,500.

Recently we have launched our new page on Google+ and are excited to hear from our old and new friends, colleagues, and fellow students. It is another outstanding way for us to share our thoughts and photos with our followers. Like Facebook, Google+ allows you to share and keep up with your friends. It has many great features including circles, sparks, hangouts, and also an innovative mobile version.

We encourage you to respond and comment on our postings. By doing so, you share what we are doing via your wall or stream and help us in our purpose "to glorify Jesus Christ as Lord by preparing adults to evangelize, disciple and minister to the world.”

Please check weekly for blog updates or sign up for the RSS feed at or become a follower and receive the latest posts directly onto your stream or wall. We look forward to reading your comments and staying connected.

Published: 03/16/2012

Archived Entries