

Are You Almost Finished With Your Degree?

If you anticipate completing your degree program during this academic year (that is, from the current term through Summer term 2018), and you have not yet applied to graduate, I need to hear from you now!

If you have already applied, you would have received an email from the Registrar confirming your graduation eligibility. If you don’t recall applying, or receiving that confirmation, then please contact me at, or proceed with your online graduation application to ensure you are eligible to graduate.

To apply for graduation online, logon to and click on the “Student Center and Resources” link in the middle of the page, then select the “Intent to Graduate” form under Student Forms.

Remember, NBC cannot post your degree to your transcript, allow you to participate in commencement, or send your diploma without first confirming your graduation application is on file and all is in order to complete your program this year. So be certain to complete that essential step today if you have not yet done so.

My Christmas wish for all of our upcoming graduates is that you finish well and we celebrate your achievement in the coming months!

Rev. Duane Mathias (MATS)
Registrar, NBC

Published: 01/29/2018

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