
Salve for the Soul
Salve for the Soul

NBC Student Chat

I just wanted to say thank you in the Lord! I am thankful for the constant reminder of the faithful ones that God places in our lives, and though we may not personally know them, their encouragement is more than sustaining. I say that, because I received an encouraging email from NBC, and it concluded with a scripture that is a personal favorite of mine and one that I will be using in my next sermon. It was confirmation in the Spirit when I read it. Thank you for your obedience and your leadership! I am also thankful for the voicemail received today by NBC, and I will honestly tell you, I have them ALL saved because of the nourishment within that encouragement that it brings me in times of difficulty. They are honest, heart-felt, and salve for the soul. I know my words are inadequate to properly describe the depths of what these communications mean to me, however, I need NBC to know that they are not done in vain! 

I just wanted to say, THANK YOU! 


Jimmy Murray, NBC student and bi-vocational Associate Pastor

Published: 04/08/2019

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