

Good Advice for School Success

  1. Develop a study plan for each week. We rarely meet our study goals if we don’t define those goals and decide when we’re going to do the work.
  2. Follow your study plan!  A little self-discipline can yield much fruit.
  3. Replace, don't add to. Educational preparation for ministry is very time consuming. Those who do well have learned an important concept:
    • Don’t simply add your school workload to an already busy life. As much as possible, allow your ministry preparation time to replace other time consuming items in your life.
    • Talk with your family and church to see if some of your other responsibilities could be temporarily set aside or assigned to others while you are taking a course. This could lessen the stress and make it easier to accomplish your weekly study plan.

We are praying for you this term!

The NBC Enrollment Management Team

Published: 08/20/2018

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