
Advice on Scholarships
Advice on Scholarships

All About Scholarships

Every student wants to know about scholarships! Here is some advice adopted from  to help you in your search for outside resources to assist you in paying for your education at Nazarene Bible College:

Getting ready

  • Stay organized and write down all of the scholarships with due dates
  • Create a new email account specifically for the scholarship search so that your school or personal email is not exposed to additional junk email.
  • Never pay a fee for a scholarship search or a scholarship application submittal


  • Apply early. Read rules.
  • Keep an open mind and apply for all of the scholarships you are eligible for.
  • Keep a record of your applications and respond to any inquiries you receive.
  • Set a goal to apply for two scholarships a week, treating it like a part-time job.

Always be looking

  • Read the NBC Communicator each week. It may include outside scholarship opportunities that we are made aware of.
  • Read your employer’s handbook. You may have a tuition benefit as part of your employment.



Published: 02/25/2020

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