

New to IME (Institute for Ministry Enrichment) from Nazarene Bible College?

NBCIME is an Online LIfelong Learning Program provided by Nazarene Bible College for men and women in ministry in the Church of the Nazarene.

Every class is rated for twenty (20) lifelong learning hours, thus meeting the annual lifelong learning requirement for Nazarene ministers.

The cost of an IME class is only $60 plus the textbook required for the class.  Often the author of the book is also the IME Instructor.

No travel expense, no hotel rooms or meal costs. You can complete an IME Course from your home or office on devices that connect to the internet.

Go to NBCIME at where you will learn about the program, the course schedule, and get information regarding each course. 

Click on Complete Course tab which will show all courses in the program. Click on the course number, (Example IME8012), and there you will
see the course learning outcomes and the required text for the course.

When you have decided what class you would like to take, just click on registration, follow the instructions to complete your registration online.


Published: 09/14/2020

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