

Look ahead, Organize, Plan (Time-Management Tips)

At the beginning of each term

  • Carefully read your course syllabus/calendar.
  • Record all due dates, quizzes, papers, exams on either your student planner or scheduling app for your phone or other preferred device.
  • A simply great tip . . . DUE on Tuesday does not mean DO on Tuesday!

Establish your priorities each week

  • Make a prioritized list.
    • What tasks can wait?
    • Which ones can be delegated?
    • Some tasks may even be able to be tossed!
  • With the school tasks scheduled-in, you can work on those for a set period of time each day and lessen the likelihood of falling behind!
  • As you schedule your schoolwork, be sure to include a cushion of extra time so that unexpected delays such as technical issues won’t throw you behind.

Make simple checklists for each day of the week

  • Sort tasks into priorities – high/medium/low.
  • Check-off the prioritized items as you go through each day.
  • Seeing just how much you are accomplishing will be greatly encouraging!

You know yourself better than anyone! When do you do your best work? Schedule your “high priority” tasks to take place during that time.

Your Enrollment Management Team!

Published: 11/05/2018

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