
Kristie Selvidge With Her Honor Cords
Kristie Selvidge With Her Honor Cords

What Some 2020 Graduates Did Over Their Graduation Weekend

This was not the weekend that our graduates had hoped for, but thankfulness and celebration was still in the air this past weekend. Here is a window into what some of the 95 2020 NBC graduates' weekend was like. 

Roy Victor III: I sat around in amazement thinking I finally finished NBC! Then I starting thinking when will I get my certificate in the mail. Reflected on our veterans also. 

John Tumey: I cooked lunch for the homeless people in our community.

Heather Hartwick: I went to the beach with my husband and kids and relaxed for the first time in a long time! 

Irene Amador: Finished the last class with an A-. Thank you, Jesus … I am grateful for the strong final grade of the class. I could not have done any of this without my Jesus and without the grace and encouragement of the professors and mentors. I appreciate you ALL more than you know. From an angry criminal drug addict to a BIBLE COLLEGE GRADUATE. If Jesus can do it in me, He can do it in ANYBODY! #BAinPastoraMinistries, #SixYearsofSchool

I was so blessed to have spent the Sunday with my family. We got together to celebrate. My aunt made menudo for everyone. We had cake and ice cream and just spent the day enjoying one another's company. Monday I was able to take my three grandsons to the Tempe beach park for swimming and a picnic all day. Being near family is a wonderful encouragement to me since I was away from them for 6 years while attending NBC. They would not have been able to go to Kansas for my graduation and even though we were not able either this year, it has been a true joy to celebrate with them here in Arizona. 

Jesse Campbell: I took a well-deserved nap.

Holly Castaneda: I completed my degree in November of 2019 so I was able to have a party in February with friends, family & my church family.

Published: 05/26/2020

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